Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Betsy, Infant Portraits, Baby Photography

Little Betsy, a raven-haired 10-day old had her first infant photo shoot in her first of four sessions in the Baby Steps Series.  She was a little more fussy and not exactly happy about her clothing changes but she pulled through. I am also a very patient photographer. Usually infants, kids and even adults will need to have their moments. Infants especially may need to eat or take a break for 10-15 minutes which I am more than happy to accommodate. When parents can stay patient with this, the kids normally will have enough time to move into a different mood so we can still capture beautiful images which I think we accomplished. Here are some of our favorites.


Thanks for Visting

One of the things I take pride in as a professional portrait artist is providing clients with an abundance and variety of great images from your session. But the depth of an individual shoot is hard to show on a website. So I wanted to let current and potential clients view a wider range of images from my sessions, travels, volunteer activities and personal life. Ideally you'll get a better sense of what to expect from me as your photographer and maybe learn a little about me as a person. Please call with questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, 651-224-9900.

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