Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Race For the Cure

Race for the Cure was this Sunday. It was my first time participating and was an incredible experience.

At first I was primarily concerned with navigating the traffic and meeting up with my family on time. Upon arriving, the visuals were so amazing - the range of people, the matching and colorful outfits, custom posters, etc. When I began to actually read the signs on the backs of all the individual walkers I could barely hold back tears. Breast cancer affects so many people. When I realized what a show of force this event is for survivors, family members, neighbors and friends I felt optimistically overwhelmed and so happy to be around all of these wonderful people that showed up to express their love, appreciation, memory and hope for their loved ones affected by breast cancer. It was a deeply meaningful event.

In my family, we walked in memory of Jennifer Legus Edgar -- she was the sister of my brother-in-law. She passed away two years ago from breast cancer.

My niece Grace who goes to Minnetonka brought five friends to walk with us.

Here we all are -- except me -- I'm taking the picture.


Thanks for Visting

One of the things I take pride in as a professional portrait artist is providing clients with an abundance and variety of great images from your session. But the depth of an individual shoot is hard to show on a website. So I wanted to let current and potential clients view a wider range of images from my sessions, travels, volunteer activities and personal life. Ideally you'll get a better sense of what to expect from me as your photographer and maybe learn a little about me as a person. Please call with questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, 651-224-9900.

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