Monday, June 1, 2009

The Terrific Two's

On Saturday the Berman family came over to have two-year-and-one-week old Calleigh photographed. This age is one of my absolute favorites to doucment and not because its easy. Toddlers, Calleigh included, do not sit still for more than 10 seconds and they will not look at the camera -- but for fleeting moments.

Everything is so interesting and distracting to a toddler -- like an ottoman -- climb up, climb down, climb up, climb down. The watering can or unsightly clamp is now like a beloved friend that cannot be separated from them without serious protest and silent colluding by the adults.

Nevertheless, I find the most amazing shots come through in unpredictable ways with this age. With Calleigh, she was curious, energetic and happy -- especially with her patient and adoring parents.

Two-year-old's are a raw bundle of sincere energy and expression.

Truly a unique age and stage to document.


Thanks for Visting

One of the things I take pride in as a professional portrait artist is providing clients with an abundance and variety of great images from your session. But the depth of an individual shoot is hard to show on a website. So I wanted to let current and potential clients view a wider range of images from my sessions, travels, volunteer activities and personal life. Ideally you'll get a better sense of what to expect from me as your photographer and maybe learn a little about me as a person. Please call with questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, 651-224-9900.

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